In the high stakes game of poker you're not always dealt the perfect hand of cards. What sets apart the greatest poker players from the rest is they have the ability to make the most of the hand they were dealt. They don't always fold, some wait for the next card. They are willing to risk it all with a good or bad hand!
Those that know me know that over the past couple of years I have not always been dealt the perfect hand of cards either. However, I'm also determined to not fold my hand but to play the hand I was dealt in the best possible way. Life is a lot like poker, it involves risk, has many twists and turns, is unpredictable and sometimes a little luck can't hurt!
Two years ago I was fortunate enough to take a trip to Thailand for my buddy TC's wedding. Towards the end of the trip I decided to travel a couple of days on my own to explore the amazing island's of Thailand. It was during this couple of days that I met people from all over the world who had been traveling for months, some for years. Some didn't know when they would go home and some didn't care either. I asked them what about your job, your life back home? They responded puzzled, "Oh will find one when we get back." They asked me how many months and years I had been traveling to which I embarrassingly responded, "Oh uh 2 weeks." They looked at me funny then gave the usual smirk must be an American. I was envious of these Europeans and Aussies free spirit and sense of adventure for exploring cultures beyond their own. This is the norm abroad but not the norm in our sheltered America.
Having spent the last 12.5 years chasing a career as a management professional, chasing that monetary success, chasing that next years bonus, chasing that next promotion, I realized I was not fulfilling a key aspect of my life. I was stuck in my own little bubble and the world outside me was passing me by. I lived weekend to weekend, client to client, holiday to holiday, 1 week vacation to 1 week vacation. I was afraid to take risks and make big decisions. Everything I did was calculated and dare I say predictable.
I grew frustrated with what was happening at home. Political gridlock, rich vs poor, greed, status, occupy this, occupy that, sense of entitlement, Kim Kardashian, failed Hollywood relationships. I had forgotten how privileged we are, and I took things for granted everyday.
Thus, I wanted to see the world from a different lens. Not from what the news tells me but from what I can see for myself. I wanted to see people who are appreciative of the little things they have. A bowl of rice for the day. A roof to sleep under. A school to attend, a pen to write with. I wanted to see a different side of society, a different way of life, a different culture. I wanted to meet people who were free spirited, risk takers, simple, appreciative.
So with all this weighing heavily on me I decided to do something different, to take a risk, to not be calculated, to live free, to open my mind, to meet others, to get away for while. I decided to travel The World. I decided to have my Eat, Pray, Love moment! Sappy I know!
So I have been wrapped up in the last few months planning, researching, exploring, getting vaccinations, getting visas, selling my car, renting my apartment, transitioning my job to someone else. There's three things I'm getting good at: 1. booking award travel, 2. Craigslist, 3. getting poked with needles.
Things I'm not good at: 1. Packing, how and the hell am I going to fit my wardrobe for the next 6 months in a bag the size of a roller board. For starters I'm ditching the laptop in favor of a lighter sleeker iPad (hence the blog title). That should earn me a few extra shirts in my backpack. 2. Blogging/facebooking bare with me I'm just starting so I'm still learning how this thing works. 3. Sleeping in anything other than a heavenly bed; I'm determined to learn to sleep on buses, trains, hostels, wherever I can rest my head.
My goal is to document my adventures on this 6 month journey and to do so honestly and without filters. So I'll make my apologies now to my family and colleagues, that foul language, politically incorrect comments may come out from time to time. I'm not forcing you to read this so if you get offended there is always better news worthy, no spin zone, stories on fox news(haha yeah right) about the world.
Time to buckle up and enjoy the ride as you travel with me and my iPad. Comments, suggestions, feedback is strongly encouraged!